We at TERN acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians throughout Australia, New Zealand and all nations. We honour their profound connections to land, water, biodiversity and culture and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation James Cook University
The Australian SuperSite Network (SuperSites) is a national network of multidisciplinary ecosystem observatories. The SuperSite network includes ten SuperSites that each represent a significant Australian biome. The network covers all States and Territories and spans a wide range of environmental conditions. Each SuperSite hosts an OzFlux tower, and researchers also undertake intensive collection of various ecosystem measurements including detailed data sets on flora, fauna and biophysical processes. Through this work, the SuperSites aims to improve our understanding of ecosystem response to environmental change. Work throughout the SuperSites also complements the capabilities of the Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN).
Data Creation
Tree demographics:
Tree demographics was measured using a tape at 130 cm for diameter and 2 different laser height finders (see attached pdf). These gave consistently different measures and both are presented. Plot biomass was calculated from allometric regression published by Jonson and Freudenberger (2011). All shrubs with mature heights of over 0.5m were measured in ten, 10m wide by 100m transects to ensure all shrubs in the one hectare plots were counted (see attached pdf for shrub results). Floristic survey was undertaken and 1000 point intercepts recorded along 10 lines (5 north-south, 5 east-west with one point per meter) for SG100W according to Ausplots methodology (Foulkes et al., 2011)
Tree diameter measured using a tape at c. 130 cm.
Tree heights meausured using two different height meters. These gave different results, with one measure consistently taller than the other. This is an indication of the level of error in the measurement. The hypsometers were the Haglof Sweden Vertex III and Transponder T3, and the Nikon Forestry 550.
Plot biomass calculated from allometric regression published in Jonson and Freudenberger (2011) A. J. Bot. 59:639-652.
Above ground biomass assumed to be 60% of total from Jonson and Freudenberger (2011).
All shrubs with mature heights >0.5 m included, this mainly excluded small chenopods and Ptilotus obovatus Measured in 10 x 10 m wide x 100 m long strips per plot (i.e., all shrubs in each 1ha plot were counted)
There were clear age classes present for Eremophila and Maireana spp.