The Victorian Alpine Plot Network Vegetation (Insect flower visitors) Data Package contains phenology data which are sampled on the same dates, three times a year at transects situated at an altitude of 1400 m to 1880 m. These transects were established as a natural experiment - to provide infrastructure to validate the findings from the ATEX manipulated, experimental plots. The aim is to describe the phonological responses of alpine plants to environmental variables and assess the usefulness of this measure to assess vulnerability to changing abiotic (e.g. climate) and biotic (e.g. invasive species) factors.
This is part of a dataset that spans from during data collected in 2011 to document long-term effects directly through climate and indirectly through biotic interactions (see methods for more information). This data package is associated with the following publication: Johanson, L. G., Hoffmann, A. A., Walker, K. L. and Nash, M. A. (2018), Bees of the Victorian Alps: Network structure and interactions of introduced species. Austral Ecology. doi:10.1111/aec.12669